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A thorough dental exam will be completed each time you visit our office.  We take pride in spending the appropriate amount of time with each of our patients to provide accurate diagnoses and answers to all of your treatment related questions.

New Patient Exam

During a new patient exam, our trained dental team will gather all of the pertinent information about your teeth, gums, and jaw to accurately diagnose your level of oral health.  We will then partner with you to customize a detailed treatment plan to fit your needs.  The new patient exam normally is comprised of x-rays, a gum evaluation, intra-oral photographs, and ample time with Dr. Klassen to discuss any concerns.

Periodic Exam

A periodic exam in performed at most of your professional cleaning appointments.  Sometimes it is accompanied by updated x-rays or gum measurements.  This is our chance to talk with you about any concerns, prioritize your treatment plan, and address any new findings.

Emergency or Problem Focused Exam

If you are experiencing pain or have undergone trauma that has injured or fractured a tooth or restoration, we will perform a problem focused exam on you.  This will address the current, urgent issue at hand and make a plan to alleviate your symptoms and restore your tooth as required.

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